About 150 Rippey residents and former residents attended an open house last Sunday in Rippey to celebrate the completion of a new $266,000 community room and the renovation of the former Masonic lodge for the Rippey Public Library.
The concept for the project was on the minds of community activists when they formed Friends of Rippey in June 2001. The group’s goal was “to develop and encourage educational, social and recreation facilities in Rippey.” The original offices and board members who continue from that formation 12 years ago include president Velda DeMoss , vice president Mary Weaver, secretary Mary Hick, treasurer Sharon Ulrich, secretary Mary Hick, and directors Jean Borgeson, Ned Johnston and Roger Norgren.
Many smaller community-building activities were accomplished, and in September 2009, Peoples Trust & Savings Bank gave the community room project a nudge with a donation of $45,000 and two dilapidated buildings.

After exploration and much discussion, it was decided to raze the two buildings and construct a new library and community center.
Serendipitously for Friends of Rippey, the Rippey Masonic lodge disbanded in 2010 and donated its building to the city of Rippey. Plans were developed to raze the adjacent former Squeak’s Café, renovate the lodge for use as the library, and expand the social room into a 1,400-sqare foot community room.
In its new setting, the library has new furnishings and shelving. The brighter, fresher space is more energy efficient and is handicap accessible, allowing the library to serve the community better.
The community room has a covered entrance off the alley for ease in unloading people and equipment. The room will accommodate more than 100 people, and through a grant from the Greene County Community Foundation and other donations, new round tables and comfortable chairs are available.

The kitchen has new plumbing, cabinets and appliances, a large pass-through serving window, and a separate window for returning dishes. Cabinet levels and door widths comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Total cost of the project was $266,408. It was a community effort, with nearly 135 different individuals donating a total of $80,000. Some donors were Rippey High School graduates, and some gave funds in memory of former Rippey residents. There were 19 Rippey and Greene County businesses that donated funds for the project.
Grant funds for the project were awarded to Friends of Rippey by the State of Iowa’s Vision Iowa program, the Roy J. Carver Foundation, Trees Forever, Keep Iowa Beautiful, Diamond Vogel Paints, Greene County Community Foundation, KCCI, and the Central Iowa Regional Library.
Architect for the project was FEH of Sioux City, with Matt Basye as primary architect. The majority of the work and materials were purchased locally. Construction was completed by McConnell Custom Construction, electrical work was completed by Durlam Electric, materials were purchased from Tri County Lumber Mart, and the five Main Street buildings were razed by Thorp Sawmill.